Asia Kitchen by Mainland China

Asia Kitchen the newest offering from the Specialty Group of Restaurants is a wonderful place for lovers of Oriental Cuisine. They are serving up cuisines from China , Vietnam , Indonesia , Burma , Thailand among others and the food and service are both very very good. Its a very cleverly chosen Menu with lots…

Awadhi Food Festival

A mouth-watering menu specially crafted by Dr. Izzat Hussain a direct descendant of Nawab Wajid Ali Shah, the last Nawab of Oudh & a celebrity unani medicinal practitioner curated by Dr. Ashish Chopra renowned culinary historian, gourmet author and television host. He provided us with a perfect melange of gastronomical stories about Awadhi Food. Dr….

Summer Coolers @ Cafe Pranah

Cafe Pranah is a place I absolutely love to hang out. Usually I always feel guilty when I eat out but never when I visit this lovely Cafe because not only is the food awesome but healthy as well. Therefore when I got a call from Chef Rahul Arora about the month long Iced Candy…